
Day 2. Redefining what personal brand is

The biggest part of the second day of the TC we focused on re-discovering our identities: values, people, stories, dreams, environment in order to create a good core of our personal brand.

After all, at the core of the brand is a person.
We would like some reflections from participants after the second day of the training:
It was intensive day when we explore our emotions and our true self. We us new technic to express and understand ourselves using LEGO.
Everyone loved constructing Legos because it brought out the creative part of ourselves, but just a minority of our group actually enjoyed the introspective part and finding meaning in their constructions.

We would have expected more technical knowledge about personal brand in order to find balance between games and practical information.
Personal branding is about... Lego, at least today. Through building models with Lego we learned a lot about how we perceive ourselves, how we think others perceive us and who we want to be.
Or... Some of us just learned how to play Lego
Today we played a lot with Logo bricks. The goal of it was to get to know ourselves better. It was a very emotional day, because of that we were able to find the starting point of our personal branding journey.
It was an important day for personal development and we think it helped a lot to understand each other better. It was also really good to define our personal life and ambitions, which will facilitate our conception of personal brand. The group unity is increasing day by day!
2022-11-06 11:06 TC 1