
Stay Tuned!

👋🇮🇹 Hey, everyone...time to say goodbye to Italy!

🔚 We have finished this Saturday 09/09 the last, 7th day of our training course “The Yield”.

🔥 During this day we had a few exciting activities!

💭 First of all, we evaluated the practice phase in which all participants youth workers and educators had the chance to organise their own workshop on different topics related to personal branding: from the improvement of the reach and the engagement to disruptive analysis, from the way of dealing with online exposure to the setting of goals and objectives for personal branding.

🗓️📈📸 After it, we planned the next steps for the future and discussed about follow-up and dissemination activities of the project #Branding4U and #ErasmusPlus programme.

🫂 And to close up the day and the evaluation, learning outcomes and the last circle together!
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