
We have finished TC “Looking Out”

We have finished the last, 7th day of our training course “Looking Out”.

During this day we had a few exciting activities!

First of all, there was an open space where participants offered their mini-workshops on the following topics:

  • Personality theory , Personal bases discoveries , Business model in Canva and Canva basis by Filipe
  • Principles of Graphic design
  • Coaching tool for decision making by Arek
  • How to take your perfect picture by Alice
  • Delivering a speech by Karolina
  • Trello and habits workshop by Anna
  • Easy video post production @aina_tm and Maria
  • Erasmus + as a platform to fund your initiatives run by Vera @veragorunova

Following the open space session, we proceeded with the follow-up, finalized the developed training results, and uploaded them.

After lunch, our attention shifted towards follow-up activities and strategy planning the next steps for our personal development, as well as the dissemination of the projects #Branding4U and #ErasmusPlus program.

We concluded the training by conducting a final course evaluation and holding a certificate ceremony.

It is not a goodbye, we are excited to continue our journey in Italy!

See you in the next training!

Partners of the project:

@fundacjamlodzidlaeuropy - Poland
@ngo_checkin - Portugal
@we_are_globers - Spain
@orielassociation - Italy
2023-05-20 23:00 TC 2