
Start of "The Yield"

Ciao from Italy!

🔥 We are starting RIGHT NOW with the third and last residential training course of our long-term project "Branding4U"!

⁉️ sum up:

📌🇵🇱 "Looking in" Training Course, Murzasiche, Poland;

📌🇪🇸 "Looking Out" Training Course, Coma-Ruga, Spain;

📌🇮🇹 "The Yield" Training Course, Verona, Italy.

💡 The main expected result of this TC is the change of perspectives from the traditionalist approach to viewing oneself and their expertise as a brand and empowering both educators and their young people to overcome
their fears and ‘go out there’ and be visible as a service provider on the market thus making
the field where they work more live, competitive, fulfilling and enriching.

🔜 The main objectives are:

🎯 To reflect on the results of the strategy implementation and evaluate the impact of it on the target groups
to reflect on the outcomes of LTTC & to assess personal and professional development;

🎯To reframe the methodologies and tools acquired by participants in the previous trainings for the target groups ( e.g. NEETs, disadvantaged etc);

🎯 To work on the creation of publication on personal branding in the field of education;

🎯 To plan the follow-up activities and steps for future development as well as develop support
mechanisms for educators (peer and mastermind groups etc);

🎯 to reflect on the follow-up ideas and future collaboration in the field of language acquisition and lifelong learning.
TC 3
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