
Embodied exercises

In non-formal education we use experiential learning as a basic approach and we go from the perspective that we need to involve not only our cognitive side, but also our emotional side and our bodies.

After all we, as people, are not only our brains but also our bodies and emotions. Therefore, we try to create the activities, which would cater for different sides of us.

Embodied exercises are the perfect example of how we could learn through our bodies in movement. Thus, during the workshop, participants were invited to listen to the music related to one of the natural powers ( Fire, Earth, Wind, Water) and move the way they felt coherent with the power and the music.

After that, they were exploring different powers and moving towards one of them trying to also see the colours which come to their mind when they move. These colours, which were coming to them during their free movement could be the ones they could use in their brand identity.

After that, participants were invited to play their favourite song in the headphones and move to it the way they felt fit, while their partners were drawing the lines to represent those movements. As a result, they could analyse the drawings and mark the lines they felt most connected to. These shapes could also be a base for their brand identity.

Our bodies know more than we think they do.

2022-11-06 20:15 TC 1 Useful info